BELIEVE in yourself, TRUST in your abilities and TAKE THE LEAP into your future!

Published by Johnson on

The fact that you don’t know anything about something is a good enough reason to try. Sometimes you got to take the leap and trust, even if you can’t see an inch ahead of you. One step forward, even when the new is worse than old is worth much more than one step back into your comfort zone.
You see, the goodness of hope is that it does not disappoint! Even when it fails, at least you tried. If you never tried, you’d never know that it couldn’t work. The truth about trying is that it opens doors and opportunities that are otherwise covered with impossibilities. Only them who see beyond the impossible can get to enjoy the fruits of the lucrative opportunities beneath. Don’t wait and hope that only time holds your fortunes, hope that with time you gonna FIND your fortunes. Many times we don’t trust ourselves, that’s why we envy others who have. Self-pity is a disease whose cure is its cause! ….YOU.
So BELIEVE in yourself, TRUST in your abilities and TAKE THE LEAP into your future! You never know what the future has in store for you!