Out of Darkness into His wonderful light,
Very dull yet made bright,
Helpless yet made great,
All because He’s the all might.
All we do is shine,
Every time shouting He’s mine,
Not because we took some wine,
But, cause with His will, we’re in line.
Our desire is to be in His house,
Every time giving Him all the praise,
Abiding in His unending grace,
And the great everlasting promise.
Our desire is to serve Him in all ways,
Because he was charged for our own case,
Made the sacrifice with no delays,
And all He needed is our joy all the days.
Make your choice this very day,
And he’ll definitely show you the way,
Always on time, He will never delay,
Well, you heard me right, your debts He came to pay.
I guess you now understand,
The reason we proclaim as we stand,
Thought to be insane or even mad,
But doing what’s expected in this very land.